
  1. The Egyptian National Award in Physics in 1987.

  2. The University of Mansoura Award of Merit in 1992.

  3. I was granted the distinguished Merit- First class by the President of Egypt on 22-5-1995.

  4. The “Scientists Certificate of Merit” from the Academy of Scientific Research & Technology, and the Egyptian Syndicate of Scientific Professions on the occasion of : the First National Conference for Physics and Mathematics and their Applications (November, 1995) .

  5. The State Prize of Merit in Basic Science in 1997.

  6. Certificate of Merit from Faculty of Science , Ain Shams University, on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee of its Establishment (1950-2000).

  7. Doctor honoris causa (Dr.h.c) from the Technical University of Liberec, Czeck Republic in June 2000.

    This doctorate is given from The Technical University of Liberec, Czeck Republic to the scientists who have achieved extraordinary research results in their professional careers and who have personally provided a significant contribution to international co-operation. They mentioned in the statement to give that doctorate to me:

    “His scientific work is aimed mainly on the field of optical interferometry of fibres, where he became one of the best world specialists. He published more than 100 original scientific works; his approach to the field is described in monograph "Interferometry of fibrous materials”.

    Prof. Hamza is, without any doubt, internationally recognised person and important representative of science.

  8. El-Nile "Mubarak" Prize in Advanced Technological Science, The highest National award in Egypt (2005)